22 Jul Can a nice smile land you a job?
We’ve pointed out over many of our blogs the numerous advantages a nice smile can provide for your overall life and health. Some of those include advantages for your relationship, attractiveness, perception to others and happiness–not to mention the benefits to your oral health. So it shouldn’t surprise you that a nice smile might just land you that job you’ve been aiming for, too.
A new article from Time Magazine examines lists some of the most important factors recruiters consider when they are checking out your LinkedIn profile (the web’s top career oriented social networking site). Number 1 on that list is of course “Are you smiling in your photo?”
The article states “Flashing some teeth can make you seem more approachable, and that, after all, is the name of the job hunting game.” Having a healthy, beautiful smile that you’re proud of will certainly help that much more!
Another article from Recruiter.com, outlines a few other ways that a nice smile can help land you your dream job. The article states that more or less, a genuine smile can give you an edge over another applicant who may even have more experience and be more qualified for the job. The author of the article goes on to say, “When an employer is interviewing candidates, they want someone who will be able to do the job for sure — but what they also want is someone who will work well with the rest of the team they already have in place.”
Are you confident enough in your smile to use it to your advantage? Contact the team at Prescott Dentistry and ask about teeth whitening in Prescott,our invisalign services, or a cosmetic consultation if you’re looking to take your smile to the next level.