Dental Spring Cleaning: Start a Tradition

Dental Spring Cleaning: Start a Tradition

Spring has an interesting distinction among the four seasons. It’s the one season that has a “ritual” that isn’t tied directly to any specific historical or religious event. That tradition is Spring Cleaning. Spring is about new beginnings, rebirth, and starting the new year with a clean slate. Sure, the cleaning usually pertains to your home or yard, but why not make a tradition of scheduling one of your biannual dental cleanings right here and now? Start this Spring by giving your home, pearly whites, and maybe even your soul a nice clean slate! Unfortunately our staff aren’t equipped to cleanse your spirit in our office, but we can take care of your dental needs and then you can head off for a quiet walk in the warm spring wilderness to take care of all your deep pondering and soul searching.

You might be thinking to yourself, “My house looks like the wreckage of hurricane, my heart is in shambles, and my teeth are the least of my worries.” Well, you might be right about those first two points, but your teeth are vitally important to your overall health. On top of that, your biannual cleaning allows our staff to check chewing and biting patterns, provide teeth whitening and stain removal, address plaque and tarter, examine teeth for decay, along with a host of other important procedures to get your teeth and gums in tip top shape.

Contact us for more information on your recommended biannual dental cleaning, as well as other services we provide here at Prescott Dentistry. Start your spring off right!