23 May The Philosophy of Biomimetic Dentistry
In a previous blog post, we defined biomimetic dentistry. If you have a minute, please go revisit that article. To recap, biomimetic dentistry encapsulates the phrase “less is more” or as the Academy of biomimetic dentistry phrased it “There is no dentistry like no dentistry.”
If you look at modern technology, design, and medicine, you will find a common theme: high tech simplicity. We’ve come along way from the Rube-Goldberg-machine-style machinations of Da Vinci’s inventions or the million moving parts of the Industrial Revolution. We’ve moved on from wooden teeth and creepy plague doctors. We now celebrate minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery and other advanced medical procedures.
Modern designers and scientists are thinking of what’s utilitarian, sustainable, functional, and low-impact. Although our technology and understanding of science and medicine only continue to advance, it is usually better to try to mimic the elegant simplicity of nature rather than outsmart it.
Enter biomimetic dentistry.
Biomimetic dentistry attempts to forgo invasive procedures like root canals and crowns. In the name of low-impact innovation, this advancement in dentistry works with nature instead of against it, by using materials that more accurately simulate natural teeth. Like the difference between bulldozing a house and rebuilding vs simply repairing the roof, biomimetic dentistry is more economical, sustainable, and conservative.