102 Year Old Blows Out Candles (And Dentures)

102 Year Old Blows Out Candles (And Dentures)

We can all agree that once you’re 102 years old, you’ve most likely moved past any ego-driven concerns about being embarrassed, and essentially can do no wrong. That is what makes this video so hilarious. A family is gathered around the table as a very spry looking 102 great (we think it’s safe to assume) grandmother named Louise Bonito and is ready to blow her candles reading “102”. She takes a big breath and… blows. Needless to say she doesn’t succeed in blowing out the candles on this attempt – but she does succeed in giving herself, her family, and all of us a good laugh!

Do you or your loved one have dentures that are ill fitting, uncomfortable, and may just come tumbling out at any moment? Prescott dentistry can replace old dentures with new ones that look natural and fit more comfortably. Our staff can fabricate both dentures and partial dentures specifically for you that will blend with your skin and remaining teeth. These dentures will be nearly indiscernible to real teeth – unless you happen to blow them out of your mouth!

Contact the staff at Prescott Dentistry for more information on dentures, removable partials, and other dental specialty services.