5 Ways to Prevent Cavities

prevent cavities

5 Ways to Prevent Cavities

Do you dream of a world without fillings and root canals and tooth extractions? Do you want to go to the dentist and receive a clean bill of health, every time? By preventing the tooth decay that leads to cavities, you can have a much happier and healthier smile. 

Whenever you eat or drink, the bacteria in your mouth feed off of the sugars in your food. When the bacteria eat sugars, they release acid, and plaque holds this acid against your teeth. Acid attacks your tooth enamel and breaks it down over time, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Knowing what to do to prevent cavities can have an extremely positive impact on your dental health for the rest of your life.

Five Ways to Prevent Cavities

1. Brush Your Teeth

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but many people do not brush often enough, or long enough, or with the right technique. You should be brushing your teeth morning and night, for at least two minutes, with a dentist-recommended electric toothbrush if possible. 

The sonic vibrations in electric toothbrushes help to clean bacteria from your teeth. While you are brushing, hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, brushing all tooth surfaces as well as your gums and tongue. Keep a consistent daily brushing routine in order to stave off cavity-causing bacteria. 

2. Floss Between Your Teeth Daily

Food particles love to get caught and trapped between your teeth and along your gum line. Daily flossing teeth to remove any food particles that cavity-causing bacteria could feed on makes a huge difference when it comes to cavity prevention. We recommend Waterpik flossers because they are easy to use and very effective.

Many people forget to floss their teeth each day, making them much more susceptible to cavities. To make flossing easier to remember, incorporate it into your daily brushing routine by flossing immediately after brushing twice a day. Once you get in the habit of flossing, it should become second nature to you!

3. Avoid High Sugar Snacks and Drinks

Eating foods or drinks high in sugar can cause your saliva to become sugary and feed bad bacteria. Drinking water after enjoying sugary foods or acidic beverages like coffee can help minimize your risk of cavities. Brush your teeth following an acidic or sugary drink or meal if you can. Brushing is even better at removing the sugar from your teeth and saliva. 

4. Use Mouthwash After Brushing

Rinsing with an antimicrobial mouth rinse after brushing can cut back on the rate at which bacteria eat away at your tooth enamel. There are several different reputable mouth rinse brands on the market, so you can choose the right option for you, or ask your dentist to recommend a brand. Mouthwash should be used in addition to brushing, not as a replacement for brushing. 

5. Visit Your Dentist Regularly for Cleanings 

The best way to prevent cavities is to have your teeth cleaned regularly by a dental hygienist in order to remove stubborn plaque and tartar buildup. At your dental appointment, your dentist will also perform a thorough examination of your mouth in order to ensure that you don’t have any cavities. They’ll also check for any areas that are at risk of forming cavities, so you know where to focus extra attention when you’re cleaning your teeth at home.

Ready to Schedule Your Next Dental Visit?

Now is the best time to schedule your next dental visit. Here at Prescott Dentistry in Prescott, AZ,  we look forward to seeing you and being a part of your dental team. If you follow these simple tips for cavity prevention and schedule regular checkups, you will have years of healthy smiles ahead of you.

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