Author: Prescott Dentistry

  At Prescott Dentistry we understand that the health of all parts of the body are linked.  The health of your mouth affects more than just what’s above your shoulders, and the rest of your body can certainly affect your teeth and gums. Because of this,...

  Whether you’re a lifelong native to The Grand Canyon State, or a newly arrived transplant from California or the East Coast, there’s always more to learn about our great state! Here are a few fun facts about Arizona from your favorite dentist in Prescott! Be...

[gallery columns="5" link="file" size="large" ids="1436,1444,1452,1410,1407"] As January comes to a close and February begins we’ve experienced some stunning snowfall and winter weather conditions. While the snow might be a little inconvenient at times.. Isn’t this why we all choose to live in Prescott? The beautiful scenery...