Biomimetic Dentistry & The Dangers of “Juicing”

Biomimetic Dentistry & The Dangers of “Juicing”

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “everything in moderation.” Well as it turns out when it comes to a new diet trend known as “juicing” this phrase is as relevant as ever. Juicing is a new fad where people are extracting the juice from plant tissues such as vegetables and fruit. This is accomplished with either manual or electric grinders where the plant material is ground and grated into a juice. This process, while seemingly healthy and innocent, may have some significant drawbacks relating to biomimetic dentistry and your over all health.

According to the USC School of Dentistry, this trend is dangerous to your dental health because fruit juices are extremely high in natural sugars which leads to tooth decay just like soft drinks and candy. Vegetable and fruit juices are also very acidic which leave your teeth susceptible to decay and erosion. If you are considering the juicing route, be sure to wait at least half an hour after drinking your juice to brush. It’s important to allow your mouth’s pH balance to return to normal to prevent additional damage. Another useful tip is to drink highly acidic juices through a straw to avoid unnecessary contact between the acidic liquid and your enamel.

The main emphasis of biomimetic dentistry is the mimicry of nature and using methods resembling how your teeth naturally function to treat oral health. Considering this idea, what is more natural than chewing? Juicing virtually eliminates the act of chewing – if that is the primary way you are ingesting your meals. Chewing plays an important function that creates blood flow and strengthens your teeth. In the long term, a lack of chewing can end in tooth decay. Not only that, the act of chewing preps the digestive tract, if you don’t chew your digestion can be more sluggish.

Considering juicing or any other diet you aren’t sure about? Consult the staff at Prescott Dentistry to get a professional opinion on how it will effect your oral health before committing to any major changes.