Dental Spring Cleaning: A Tradition Continued!

Dental Spring Cleaning: A Tradition Continued!

spring cleaning baby

Last year we suggested starting a new Spring Cleaning tradition. Well it’s that time of year again! March 20th marked the first day of Spring, and the season is well under way. You should never miss an opportunity to get both your literal and metaphorical houses in order. Use the warm Spring air to motivate you to not only dust those little seen corners of your home, but also finally get that dental work you’ve been putting off or schedule that very important checkup and cleaning. After all, your teeth and gums may be due for some spring cleaning too!

Regular cleanings and checkups are important for a number of reasons that go beyond the satisfaction of knowing you marked one more item off your spring cleaning checklist! These cleanings allow our staff to evaluate your gum tissue, provide teeth whitening and stain removal, examine your teeth for decay, check your biting and chewing patterns, remove any tartar or plaque, and send you on your way to your freshly cleaned home with some helpful tips on how to keep your teeth healthy and clean until next Spring!

Whatever your plans are this Spring, don’t forget to get outside and enjoy the warm weather when you can. Work on your overall health as well as your dental health by getting some exercise and Vitamin D from the sun. As always, you know where to contact Prescott Dentistry to schedule your appointment! Also, we’re always welcoming new members to our family of patients, so never hesitate to recommend a friend!

Happy Spring Cleaning from Prescott Dentistry and we hope to see all of you soon!