Fighting your Dental Fear

Fighting your Dental Fear

Dental fear can be rooted in many different concerns. It can be the sounds and smells conjuring scary memories from childhood, a sense of shame regarding the current state of one’s teeth, or even just a fear that you can’t quite put your finger on. What everyone really wants is a gentle dentist that will address their dental fears openly, honestly, and with compassion and understanding.

If you identify with the fears listed above, or any others you might have about dentistry, don’t worry about it. Nearly 15% of Americans go as far as avoiding the dentist due to their dental fear. Though it is important that you not become one of those “avoiders” – as neglecting the issue can only amplify the problem and your fears by worsening dental health.

If the fact that the staff at Prescott Dentistry strive to create a comfortable and understanding environment isn’t quite enough to get you through the door, and your fear stems from experiences many years ago as a child, we have good news. Recent generations of younger people have much lower rates of dental fear due to more effective anesthesia and more attention to patient comfort.

Contact us for more information how how we can make your visit as easy and painless as possible to alleviate your dental fear.

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (4/26/2015) Allan Ajifo (Flickr)