Natural Home Remedies for Jaw Pain Relief

Natural Home Remedies for Jaw Pain Relief | turmeric is one home remedies for jaw pain

Natural Home Remedies for Jaw Pain Relief

Jaw pain can be exhausting, affecting everything from the way you eat and talk to the quality of your sleep. Jaw pain can have various causes, with stress being a leading culprit. For many, jaw pain is associated with temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). But whether you have TMD, have been grinding your teeth, or have jaw pain for another reason, you can luckily find relief with these home remedies.

6 Natural Home Remedies for Jaw Pain Relief

1: Using Moist Heat Packs or Ice Packs

One of the best home remedies for jaw pain and swelling is ice. To make an ice pack, place ice in a plastic bag and wrap the bag in a thin cloth to prevent it from burning your skin. Alternatively, a bag of frozen peas wrapped in cloth also works well to numb pain and reduce swelling. Apply it to your jaw for 10 minutes and remove it for 10 minutes, alternating in this way up to four times. 

Heat increases blood supply to the area, which can decrease stiffness in the joint and relax the surrounding jaw muscles. To apply moist heat to your jaw, use a hot water bottle wrapped in a damp towel. Remove it if it’s too hot so you don’t burn your skin.

You can also buy heat or ice packs at a pharmacy or online. Whatever form of ice or heat pack you use, just be sure to always keep them covered with a towel or some other kind of cloth to prevent burns. 

2: Getting the Right Nutrients

Foods with the following nutrients can help relieve jaw pain:

  • Magnesium can help relax muscle tension. Foods high in magnesium include almonds, spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, kefir, black beans, avocados, dark chocolate, and bananas.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that have anti-inflammatory properties. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, walnuts, cod liver oil, oysters, flax and chia seeds, and soybeans. 
  • Turmeric also decreases inflammation. Turmeric is a bright yellow Indian spice that can be added to almost anything you make for dinner. If you need some help, here are a few recipe ideas using turmeric.

Although many of these nutrients are available as supplements, it’s important to consult your doctor before trying any new supplements.

3: Performing Jaw Massages or Acupressure

Massage therapy can be extremely beneficial when it comes to relieving jaw pain. A facial massage can help to relax the muscles around your temporomandibular joint. Massage the jaw and temple muscles with a gentle, circular motion for about 30 seconds, then open and close your mouth and repeat. You can perform facial massages every 4 hours to minimize jaw pain. 

Jaw pain can also be relieved by performing facial exercises. These exercises can help with jaw pain by strengthening the jaw muscles, stretching the jaw, and relaxing the jaw to increase mobility. 

Another great way to relieve jaw pain is by performing acupressure exercises and applying gentle to moderate pressure on certain muscles in order to stimulate the muscles and encourage them to relax. Acupressure exercises can be performed multiple times per day in order to relieve jaw pain at home.

4: Managing Stress

Stress and depression can be large contributing factors to jaw pain, as we tend to clench our jaws or even grit our teeth in stressful situations. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and exercise to reduce stress. These activities lower your resting heart rate and blood pressure, relax muscles, and can calm your nervous system. Getting enough sleep can also help with stress levels. Reducing stress should also reduce your jaw pain. 

5: Eating a Soft Food Diet

If you experience intense jaw pain, a diet consisting of soft foods for five to seven days could help. Soft foods that may help in relieving jaw pain include:

  • Soup
  • Pasta
  • Applesauce
  • Pudding
  • Yogurt
  • Soft breads

6: Avoiding Bad Habits and Certain Foods 

There are several common activities that make jaw pain worse. If you find yourself frequently experiencing jaw pain, try to avoid:

  • Clenching your jaw
  • Chewing gum
  • Eating hard candy and chewy foods
  • Chewing ice
  • Biting your nails
  • Chewing on hard objects such as pen caps
  • Slouching 
  • Drinking beverages with caffeine 

Try Holistic Dental Care with Prescott Dentistry!

If none of these remedies help, you might find jaw pain relief with over-the-counter pain relievers or pain relief creams. If your jaw pain in Prescott, Arizona, is severe, call the team at Prescott Dentistry right away and we will get you in for an emergency appointment. In the meantime, stay healthy and safe and we look forward to seeing you at your next preventative appointment.