How is Ozone Therapy Used in Dentistry?

How is Ozone Therapy Used in Dentistry?

When it comes to the health of your teeth and gums, the benefits and uses of ozone therapy can not be underestimated. As leaders in integrative holistic dental medicine in the northern Arizona area, we know first-hand how effective ozone therapy in dentistry can be.  

 What is Ozone Therapy?

First, let’s talk about what ozone therapy is. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas molecule that quickly breaks down to provide healing oxygen gas and active oxygen ions, which kill bacteria. In addition to its antibacterial activity, ozone is a powerful signaling molecule that triggers your body’s immune response. 

How is Ozone Therapy used in Dentistry?

Because ozone therapy has the ability to kill bacteria and promote healing, ozone application in dentistry is appropriate to treat a number of common dental problems. These include cavities, gum infections, tooth infections, viral and fungal infections, sinusitis, and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. 

Ozone therapy is also effective in preventing these issues from developing in the first place. Ozone can be injected into tissue therapeutically to promote healing and treat acute infection. Treating patients with ozone therapy is painless and often lessens treatment time.

Ozone Therapy at Prescott Dentistry

Here at Prescott Dentistry, we strive to provide a natural, conservative approach in our dental practice and are one of the only dentists using ozone therapy in Prescott. We use ozone therapy in a variety of ways including:

  • Ozonated infused carrier oils—for topical application or in oil pulling.
  • Ozonated water—used as an antimicrobial and healing irrigation when performing routine cleanings, following surgical procedures, and as part of your treatment for gum problems.
  • Pure Ozone Gas—made from medical grade oxygen and applied directly to teeth and/or tissues to disinfect infected teeth, treat sensitivity, heal deep tooth decay, and promote healing. Ozone Gas may be applied to localized sites or with full-mouth ozone trays either therapeutically or to treat active infection or stop the decay process. 

Experienced Integrative, Holistic Dentists in Prescott

At Prescott Dentistry we have years of experience using ozone therapy to treat and restore gums and teeth to a healthy place. If you are interested in a painless holistic approach to treating and preventing dental issues, we would love to show the benefits of ozone therapy. Call us today to schedule an appointment.  We look forward to seeing you!

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