Invisalign in Prescott, AZ

You might be surprised to know that your health can be benefited by having straight teeth. If “form follows function”, then Beautiful form follows Beautiful function. That is why we offer Invisalign in Prescott, AZ.

What are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Most people want to enjoy the esthetic enhancement that comes with straight teeth; there is beauty in proper alignment and in balance. But, the advantages to proper tooth alignment go beyond looks:

Healthier Teeth

Crowded teeth have a higher likelihood of decay/cavities since they are the hardest to keep clean. Also, when teeth are improperly aligned, the biting forces are poorly distributed and chipping, fracturing and even tooth loss are more likely to occur from this “traumatic occlusion”. This can lead to more dental work down the road – which can be both costly and uncomfortable. Remember, teeth that are properly aligned have less opportunity for decay and are generally far healthier than there non-aligned counterparts.

Healthier Gums

When teeth are crowded, gums tend to become red, swollen and painful; these are also the signs of periodontal or gum disease. The same can be said for teeth that are too far apart – food can get impacted deep into the gums and also cause damage to your gums. Remember, teeth that are properly aligned give the gums less opportunity for periodontal disease and are generally are far healthier.

Healthier Heart, Mind and Body

There is research indicating that periodontitis may be associated with several other health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or stroke.1,2 Remember, the mouth is the gateway to the body – it is almost always your first line of defense – your oral health really does matter!

So if you have ever thought about “straightening your teeth”, you are doing so much more than just gaining a “better smile” – your gums will be healthier as they are more easy to maintain, your teeth will likely need less dental work over the years as they are easier to keep clean and will not suffer trauma from misalignment, and studies show that your over health may just be benefited as well.

Schedule an Invisalign Consultation Today!

If you would like to know more about what straight teeth can do for your and how your goal for straighter teeth and better health can be achieved, please call our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nathan Thompson.

1. Demmer RT, Desvarieux M. Periodontal infections and cardiovascular disease: The heart of the matter. JADA October 2006;137(Supplement 2):14S-20S. Accessed September 20, 2011. (PDF)

2. Mealey BL. Periodontal disease and diabetes: A two-way street. JADA October 2006;137(Supplement 2):26S-31S. Accessed September 26, 2011. (PDF)

Invisalign in Prescott, AZ
Invisalign in Prescott, AZ

About Dr. Thompson

Dr. Nathan Thompson comes to Prescott Dentistry after having served honorably for 5 years in the US Army as a dentist. Dr. Thompson served overseas in both Iraq and Germany; in Germany he received extensive orthodontic training in a one year internship. Since then, Dr. Thompson has continued to provide “braces” to those in need but he has also become an Invisalign “Preferred Provider”; providing Invisalign treatment to many in our community. Prior to his military service, Dr. Thompson received his dental training at USC (University of Southern California) where he trained 1-on-1 with the best BIOMIMETIC dental instructors in the country. Dr. Thompson’s training focus was in advanced bonded composites, porcelains and minimally-invasive procedures. In his free time, Dr. Thompson volunteers with the youth of his church, serves as a volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America and loves to spend quality time with his beautiful wife and five children.

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