Needle-free Pain Relief Could be the Future

"needle-free" pain relief in Prescott

Needle-free Pain Relief Could be the Future

As a result of ever-changing technology, the medical and dental industries are also changing and forming new treatment options. For the dental world, 2017 was a big year, full of new dental studies and development of new treatment options. One very interesting study that came to light was a study on alternatives to injections when applying pain-relieving medicine. Some dental procedures only require an injection of local anesthetic, e.g., when creating fillings for cavities or forming dental bridges. Presently, when that local anesthetic is given, patients have to endure the quick but uncomfortable feeling of having a needle enter their gum in order to administer anesthesia. This dental study could be a new way of making patients comfortable quickly and at a lower cost, without the pricking sensation of a needle. At Prescott Dentistry, we are eager to learn more about the possibility of offering “needle-free” pain relief in Prescott.

What would needle-free pain relief look like?

In current usage, dentists first administer a topical pain reliever before using a needle for injection of anesthesia. But researchers at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil have found a new way to administer pain relief for dental patients. Instead of needles, this form of pain relief would come from an electric current, using a small amount of electricity. The minute electrical current is enough to quickly numb the specific area in the mouth, without injecting anesthesia. So far, this study has proven successful in its trials. While it’s still in the clinical trial stage, if approved, it could become a good solution for pain relief in the dental industry, saving patients and dentists both time and money.

At Prescott Dentistry, we value technological advances in dental procedures, since they improve our treatments for the sake of our patients. Our office already uses state-of-the-art technology that includes an extensive comfort menu and natural-based practices (biomimetic dentistry), to help our patients have a better quality experience at our office, and to foster long-term dental health. Staying up-to-date on the latest innovations is essential, and we think this study could be an interesting alternative to pain relief methods currently being used in the industry. “Needle-free” pain relief in Prescott would be a great way to encourage more patients to visit the dentist, since the possibility of pain or discomfort is one reason dental patients worry about certain treatments. Stay tuned, as our office continues to bring you the latest and best dental advances! 

Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (6/10/2018) ZaldyImg (Flickr)