New Biomimetic Dentistry Materials

New Biomimetic Dentistry Materials

Many dental ailments including cavities, sensitive teeth, and pulp inflammation are all caused by the loss of the enamel layer over our teeth. Preventative and biomimetic dentistry techniques attempt to curb this enamel loss and repair it. For dentists who practice biomimetic dentistry like our staff here at Prescott Dentistry, we may now have a new ally in this field of study. Scientists from National Taiwan University are reporting the development of a new biocompatible material that potentially rebuilds warn enamel.

We briefly mentioned this breakthrough in a previous article as it relates to teeth sensitivity. However, the science behind this new material is quite fascinating. According to the study, the material generates a biomimetic crystalline dentin barrier. The reliable, fast-acting paste seals exposed dentinal tubules which go deep into the pulp where the nerves are located. The silica-based template enabled phosphate ions and calcium to penetrate deep into the tubules and crystallize into forms of calcium phosphate. These biomimetic crystals act as a catalyst and carrier for the regeneration of dental tissue.

Do your best to avoid creating sensitive teeth and the loss of enamel by not brushing your teeth too hard. Use a soft-bristled brush, floss regularly, and take care of your gums.