Ozone/Oxygen Therapy

Ozone/Oxygen Therapy

Ozone/Oxygen therapy has been used by biomimetic and biologic dentists as well as naturopathic physicians for years as a way to naturally kill bacteria and promote healing. Ozone is a naturally occurring gas molecule which quickly breaks down to provide healing oxygen gas and active oxygen ions which kill bacteria. In addition to its antibacterial activity, ozone is a powerful signaling molecule that triggers your body’s immune response. The clinicians and doctors at Prescott Dentistry use Ozone Therapy in a variety of ways.

  • Ozonated infused carrier oils for topical application or in oil pulling.
  • Ozonated water is used as an antimicrobial and healing irrigation when performing routine cleanings, following surgical procedures, and as part of your treatment for gum problems.
  • Pure Ozone Gas is made from medical grade oxygen and is applied directly to teeth and/or tissues to disinfect infected teeth, treat sensitivity, heal deep tooth decay, and promote healing. Ozone Gas may be applied to localized sites or with full-mouth ozone trays either therapeutically or to treat active infection or stop the decay process.
  • Ozone can be injected into tissue therapeutically to promote healing and treat acute infection.
  • Many hundreds of dentists in the U.S. are now treating patients with ozone, utilizing it in a wide variety of areas including periodontal therapy, decay therapy with remineralization of early lesions, root canal treatment, tooth sensitivity, canker sores, cold sores, bone infections, and more