25 Oct Prescott Area Family Friendly Halloween Events
The air is crisp, the pumpkins are carved, the treats are stocked, and the costumes are prepped! Halloween is right around the corner and you better believe your kids or grand kids are chomping at the bit (and the candy) for the festivities to begin. We’ve put together a list of a few safe, family-friendly events in the Prescott area so you and your family can enjoy more of the treats… and less of the tricks!
K9 Tricks for Treats – Prescott – October 28, 2016 – 3:45 PM to 7:00 PM
Visit Whiskers Barkery for their Third Annual K9 Tricks for Treats event! Celebrate Halloween with your four legged companion by bringing a $10.00 donation for the Prescott K9 Search & Rescue Unit, and searching Downtown Prescott for doggie treats and goodies. Don’t miss the Costume Contest, Howl-o-ween Photos or Yappy Hour games!
18th Annual Halloween Festival – Prescott – October 28, 2016 – 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Visit the Prescott YMCA Gymnastic Building and enjoy spooktacular fun for everyone! For $5, each participant can enjoy Halloween themed concession, costume contest, the haunted house, face painting, pumpkin bowling, a basketball shoot and much more!
SAFE Trick or Treating – Prescott Valley, AZ – October 31, 206 – 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Trick or treat safely (and for free!) inside the Prescott Valley Event Center, where over 35 businesses, individuals and organizations will be handing out candy and other treats!
Just remember to to take it easy on the candy and encourage your kids and grand kids to enjoy tooth-friendly treats so nobody’s visiting Prescott Dentistry with a toothache in a month! We love to see our patients–but prefer they assist us in practicing preventative care! Remember to brush and floss thoroughly when you do indulge in a Halloween candy treat!
Images used under creative commons license – commercial use (10/25/2016) Terry Madeley (Flickr)