Don’t Forget to Brush Your Teeth Before You Go to Sleep (No Matter How Tired You Are)

We explain why you should brush your teeth before you sleep, and warn you about what might happen if you don't.

Don’t Forget to Brush Your Teeth Before You Go to Sleep (No Matter How Tired You Are)

Many people wonder whether brushing twice a day is really necessary. If they’re too tired at night, and just want to go to sleep, will it really matter if they wait to brush their teeth until the morning? 

There’s a very good reason why dentists always tell you that you need to brush your teeth twice a day. Actually, there’s more than one. Neglecting your dental health can lead to all sorts of problems, from bad breath and yellow teeth to gum disease, cavities, and tooth loss. 

We explain why brushing is so important, and warn you about what happens if you don’t brush your teeth.

Why You Should Brush Before You Go to Sleep

Even though you’re sleeping, the bacteria in your mouth are still active. If you go to sleep with food residue on your teeth, you’re feeding the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease all night long. The more food those plaque-building bacteria get to eat, the more they will multiply. And the longer you go without brushing your teeth, the more plaque will accumulate.

It only takes 24 hours for plaque to start hardening into tartar. That’s why it’s so important to brush your teeth more than once a day. Tartar can only be removed at the dentist’s office, and just like plaque, it also causes cavities and gum disease. In fact, tartar causes even more damage than ordinary dental plaque. 

What Happens If You Don’t Brush Your Teeth?

A lot of bad things can happen if you don’t brush your teeth before bed. First of all, you’re breaking a good habit. Skipping even one night of brushing makes it all the easier to skip brushing again the next time you’re “just too tired.” Pretty soon, nightly brushing becomes an occasional habit instead of a regular one. Plus, neglecting to brush can cause all sorts of other problems. 

Bad Breath

  • If you don’t brush your teeth before you go to bed, you’re going to wake up with really bad breath and a foul taste in your mouth. That’s because the bacteria have been busy all night, releasing stinky sulfur compounds as well as bitter acids.

Yellow Teeth

  • Tartar buildup will turn your teeth yellow. The more often you skip brushing, the more tartar will accumulate. And the more that tartar builds up on your teeth, the yellower they will get. If you want a bright and shiny smile, you need to brush your teeth twice a day.


  • Plaque and tartar erode your tooth enamel, making it thinner and thinner and eventually causing cavities. These tiny holes in the enamel allow infections to take hold inside your tooth, causing painful tooth decay.

Gum Disease

  • The acids released by plaque and tartar irritate and inflame your gums. They will become swollen and start to bleed, and they might even start to pull away from your teeth. Gingivitis—the first stage of gum disease—is preventable, but only if you brush and floss every night.

Extensive Dental Work

  • If you don’t brush your teeth, you’re probably going to be spending a lot more time in the dentist’s chair. You might even need a root canal and a crown to repair a badly decayed tooth. At Prescott Dentistry, we always try to prevent the need for invasive procedures. However, you have to do your part by brushing twice a day.

Dental Exams and Cleanings in Prescott, Arizona

At Prescott dentistry, we focus on promoting good dental health through good nutrition and preventive treatments. Brushing your teeth every morning and evening is a great habit, so stick with it! But don’t forget that you also need to floss every day, brush your tongue, and use mouthwash to get the best results. 

You also need to check in with a dentist every six months for a cleaning to remove tartar buildup and an exam to make sure your teeth are cavity-free. If you’re due for an exam and cleaning, contact us to make an appointment today.


Photo by Matheus Vinicius on Unsplash used with permission under the Creative Commons license for commercial use 8/20/2024.