14 Nov Did You Know That Migraines Can Cause Tooth Pain?
If you suffer from migraines, the last thing you want is the additional pain of a toothache. But unfortunately, tooth pain and migraines can be related. Migraines can cause tooth pain, and the opposite is true as well. If tooth pain is causing your migraines, seeing the right dentist can help you find relief.
As a holistic practice, at Prescott Dentistry we want to make more people aware of the connections between their dental health and their general health. Let’s take a closer look at how migraines and tooth pain are related.
How Do Migraines Cause Tooth Pain?
Migraine pain is different for everyone. It can present on one side of the head or the other, build up behind the eyes, or feel like sinus pain. For some people, it causes pain in the face, teeth, and jaw, which is also known as neurovascular orofacial pain.
Because migraines affect the nerves and blood vessels in your head, they can cause pain that feels exactly like a toothache. If you only have tooth pain during a migraine attack, then it is probably a side effect of the migraine. However, if you still have tooth pain after the migraine subsides, it could be that a dental problem is the cause behind your headaches.
The Connection Between Migraines and Tooth Pain
Many people don’t realize that migraine pain can be related to dental problems. For example, headaches can be a side effect of conditions like TMJD, teeth grinding, an impacted wisdom tooth, or a misaligned bite. And the types of dental infections that cause intense tooth pain can also trigger migraines.
Headaches and TMJ Disorders
Because the trigeminal nerve is located so close to the jaw joints, TMJ disorders may trigger nerve pain that causes headaches. Swelling, inflammation, and muscle strain can also cause pain in the forehead and the skull, triggering tension headaches that become migraines.
Migraines and Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)
Teeth grinding is an unconscious habit that can cause both tension headaches and migraines. You might be grinding your teeth at night while you sleep, or you might clench your jaw when you have a migraine, making the pain worse. And if your enamel or tooth structure gets damaged by the constant grinding, you may feel pain in your teeth as well.
Severe Tooth Pain and Migraines
The pain of an impacted wisdom tooth or an infected molar can feel a lot like a migraine. It often starts as a dull, throbbing ache in the skull or jaw. It may come and go, but if there is an infection in the tooth root, the pain will suddenly become intense. If the pain seems concentrated around one tooth, make an urgent appointment with your dentist.
Holistic Dental Care in Prescott, Arizona
If you suffer from migraines, let us know! We can look into dental causes like bruxism, TMJ disorders, and tooth decay. And if an impacted wisdom tooth or a misaligned bite is causing your headaches, just imagine the relief you will feel once you get treatment.
We provide comprehensive dental care in a calm and comfortable environment. If you are interested in trying a holistic, stress-free dentist experience, please make an appointment today.
Photo by Vasilis Caravitis on Unsplash used with permission under the Creative Commons license for commercial use 11/10/24.