11 Feb Signs of Brushing Teeth Too Hard
Good dental hygiene means brushing your teeth regularly, but brushing too hard can cause damage. While you might think that you can never brush too much, dentists always caution against overbrushing. For the sake of your dental health, you should be mindful of the signs that you’re brushing your teeth too hard regularly. At Prescott Dentistry, we know all the signs of brushing too hard, and if those signs indicate another underlying condition, our dental professionals will diagnose it immediately.
Three Signs That You’re Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard
1. Sensitive Teeth
One early sign that you may be brushing too hard is sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks. Tooth sensitivity occurs when your tooth enamel wears away, revealing the sensitive dentin of the affected tooth. Although it commonly occurs due to other factors, enamel wear can happen if you habitually brush too hard or use abrasive toothpaste.
2. Receding Gum Line
Another sign of brushing your teeth too hard is a receding gum line. Aggressive brushing can irritate and damage the gums, causing them to recede and expose the teeth’s roots to contaminants. This, in turn, leads to tooth decay, as the roots lack the protection that the enamel and dentin provide. Receding gums can also lead to infections, causing further tooth decay and more damage to your gum line.
3. Bleeding Gums
One of the most alarm-inducing signs of brushing too hard is bleeding gums. Gums may become irritated by rough brushing techniques, eventually resulting in oral bleeding. This rightfully worries many patients who might believe they’ve hurt themselves while brushing.
Be aware, however, that the most common cause of bleeding gums is gingivitis. This early stage of gum disease is generally reversible if steps are taken to address built-up plaque right away. However, if left untreated, gingivitis can progress to the stage of full periodontitis, which is irreversible and requires constant care. If you notice your gums have begun to bleed when you brush your teeth, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible.
How Can You Avoid Brushing Too Hard?
If you wish to avoid these issues, improving your dental care routine is not hard. Always brush gently with a soft-bristle brush, and understand that you only need to brush for about two minutes before you’re good to go. You could also try using an electric toothbrush. Although a powered option, electric toothbrushes do not harm your teeth and take the guesswork out of how hard you should brush.
Have You Spotted the Signs of Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard?
If you’ve noticed any signs that you’re brushing too hard, it’s not too late to improve your brushing technique. Here at Prescott Dentistry, our professional staff can use their holistic, biomimetic dentistry knowledge to understand and address your needs as a patient. Contact us today so that you can start protecting your smile.
Photo by Marcos Ramírez on Unsplash.