Author: Prescott Dentistry

You've heard it before, you'll hear it again, flossing is vital towards keeping your oral health in tip-top shape. As much as everyone knows this fact, still not enough people floss daily along with their twice daily brushing routine. According to the American Dental Association,...

We made it through Thanksgiving, but the holiday season is far from over. Whether it's Christmas, New Years, Hanukkah, or any other winter holiday, there is likely plenty of food and drink involved. At Prescott Dentistry, we hope you have a warm and happy holiday...

If you are interested in straightening your teeth but want to avoid unpleasant metal braces, Dr. Thompson offer Invisalign in Prescott, AZ. The video above describes the simple, gradual process Invisalign utilizes to straighten your teeth without the need for unsightly metal brackets and wires...

All Hallows' Eve is now under one week away and the anticipation by kids and fun-loving adults alike is growing everyday! Unfortunately, it's usually our teeth and gums that get the short end of the stick when it comes to Halloween. We all know that...